Molly & I have an unspoken Saturday playdate. Remember, I never bark (I've only barked 4 times in my whole life!) and Molly is pretty quiet too, but we always seem to end up at the park at the same time each week. The humans are very intuitive to our needs.
We usually start off the date with a good game of chase. We are pretty fast and watch out becayuse we can knock down humans we are so fast and strong. This week after a quick game of bitey face, we played a game of tug for the 1st time. It was sweet.

Check out my new green ball. Made by Cuz!

There were no other dogs that we are friends with at the park, so we had the whole time to play together. Yay for no boy dogs, they are always trying to get fresh with us and it's hard to play when someone is always sniffing your a$$ or trying to hump you even though they have had the snip. Molly's dad went home to bring us some balls (like soccer balls) to play with - and boy was it fun. I took home one of Molly's balls and played with it all night. I killed it this morning though. :(
Aren't we the cutest terriers?

♥ Saidie